Glengoyne Whisky

Every minute savoured, every hour appreciated.
Proud to be the slowest distilled Single Malt in Scotland.

Migrating flocks of geese give our home its name: Glen of the Geese, or in Gaelic, ‘Glen Guin’. But our guests have inspired more than just our name. We’re proud to be the slowest distilled Single Malt in Scotland and, like those geese, we’re guided by an unwavering clarity of purpose. Sometimes the right way is the long way.

Our Precious Casks

Our precious spirit is transferred to casks made to order from European and American Oak. Themselves prepared for six years before they’re ready to carry our whisky to maturity. The natural colour of the whisky is testament to decades within the wood alone. Nothing else is added, this is how we craft a whisky unlike any other. This is the Glengoyne way.

Our Unique Process

In the stillness of our quiet glen, we know that patience is rewarded. Nothing is rushed and every stage of our whisky making process is given as long as it needs.

Uniquely shaped stills nurse the simmering wash during the longest distillation of any Scottish whisky, prolonged contact with the copper coaxing sweet and fruity notes from the gently rolling vapours.