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Huis/Ierse Whisky/Single Malt/Bushmills Pomerol-vat uit 2012

Bushmills 2012 Pomerol Cask

93.50 (Ex BTW)

Bushmills 2012 Pomerol Cask


93.50 (Ex BTW)

Standaard prijs incl. Ierse belastingen. De belastingen van uw land kunnen aanzienlijk lager zijn. Relevante belastingen worden weergegeven bij het afrekenen.

Exclusieve release voor Ierland


Another Ireland only exclusive from the world’s oldest licenced whiskey distillery. This single malt was first aged in sherry and bourbon barrels, before finishing for four years in rare Pomerol wine casks.

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Gewicht 1.7 kg




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98% van de bestellingen naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk en het vasteland van Europa worden binnen 2 werkdagen geleverd.

5-gebruikers heb dit item op verlanglijst


Another Ireland-only exclusive from the world’s oldest licenced whiskey distillery. This single malt was first aged in sherry and bourbon barrels, before finishing for four years in rare Pomerol wine casks.

Bushmills 2012 Pomerol cask is one of a pair of whiskies released in Ireland only as part of the very successful Bushmills Causeway Collection. This is an annual series of cask finished Irish single malt releases from Bushmills that is designed to celebrate the distillery's cask selection and maturation methods.

The 2012 Pomerol cask was released in Autumn 2022 along with a Vermouth-finished bottle. Pomerol is one of a number of much sought after red wines used in whiskey maturation and one of the major Bordeaux wine appellations. Its use as a finishing cask creates an exquisite whiskey with intense but refined aromas. Ripe wild dark berries herald the flavour profile which builds upon layers of warm vanilla, lemon zest and warming ginger.

The 2012 Pomerol cask release is a limited rare cask-finished whiskey that is distilled in an incomparable natural landscape near the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland. The causeway collection is designed to champion this location also.


The nose bursts with wild berry aromas and toasted wood.


Crisp green apple underpins the flavour profile with fresh lemon flavours balanced upon fresh vanilla and warming ginger.


Bushmills Causeway Collection Pomerol finish has a long and quite dry citrus finish.

This is a sensational whiskey matured ex-bourbon and oloroso sherry butts before its long finish in Pomerol. The distillery releases bottles in the Bushmills Causeway Collection in many of its major national markets, including France, Germany, Australia and the US. Each release is handcrafted to meet the aspirations of each market and as it is only available in limited numbers in each market, it has become an important collector series.

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